"Dollars 4 Scholars"

Who we are and what we do

Back to School Fundraiser

Ready to make a difference this school year? Support NCRF's Back to School "Dollars 4 Scholars" Fundraiser! Your donation goes directly to fund college scholarships for underrepresented/underserved students across the nation! A monthly gift of $25 or a one-time donation of $300 gets you our exclusive 'Difference Maker' t-shirt. Join us in empowering the next generation.

NCRF's "The Movement" has increased graduation rates at all collaborating high schools, most have yielded 100% graduation rate
NCRF has helped students secure over $1 billion in scholarships and grants
NCRF has placed over 1000 college students in internships and careers
NCRF has helped over 500,000 students get into college
NCRF has awarded close to $1 million in scholarships
Over 95% of our scholarship recipients complete college earning at least their bachelors degree
NCRF College Expo's has increased enrollment to participating HBCU's a minimum of 20%
NCRF's S.T.E.A.M. Program reaches over 35,000 students annually
Helped over 600 athletes receive athletic scholarships
NCRF yas yielded a 100% graduation rate on our focused target groups
NCRF has hosted over 144 College Expos
NCRF College Expos has increased college enrollment to HBCUs a minimum of 20%
Over 90% of NCRF students attend a 2 year or 4 year college
80% of NCRF students increase their grades at least one letter grade