// Problem + Solution

Today's Problem & Our Solution

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Today’s Problem

There is systemic racism in education, housing and wealth that is tremendously affecting black and brown families around this world. Black and Brown families have resulted in feeling unwelcome and not included in the system, which creates frustration, depression, anxiety and anger. This also affects relationships, health and social emotional well-being that trickle down to generations. In fact, through research and studies done by psychologists, they have discovered that black families suffer from epic-genetics which is generational trauma caused by slavery that has trickled down through DNA through generations. This has impacted health, education, and economics in inner city communities across the nation.

Students from low-income communities—particularly black and brown students—face enormous systemic barriers to complete high school, as well as attend and complete college. As a result, there is a consistent college degree divide that perpetuates inequality in our country. In a time when post secondary credentials are essential to access economic opportunity, the degree divide is one of our nation’s greatest injustices. Social justice and racial inequality for years have added on to this and has increased the divide. According to the Washington Post, the black-white economic divide is as wide as it was 32 years ago. And with the impact of COVID-19 pandemic the gap is widening.

According to Investment Watch, researchers from the top economics school in the United States are warning that they estimate that 42% of the 36.2 million Americans who have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic will not regain their jobs. Higher Ed reported that the pandemic has accelerated and worsened equity gaps in higher education and its connection to work. Black and Latino communities will be more than other communities.

At the same time, studies like Georgetown University’s 2020 Job Recovery Report have indicated there are over 5 million jobs that have continually gone unfilled. America’s education system has not produced an enough skilled and/or trained workforce to secure the jobs.

In addition, there are over 31 million baby boomers that are retiring and aging out, 24 million are newly created jobs.  Jobs will continue to increase in healthcare, technology, and social services. Most of these fields will require some college or a college degree. Just 22% of students in low-income communities graduate from college.

A college degree impacts earning potential and access to life opportunities. We don’t have the talent that we need to fuel a growing workforce and the diverse leadership that we need to thrive as a country.

31 million baby boomers are retiring and aging out, 24 million are newly created jobs, many centered around technology.

The NCRF Solution

NCRF has created programs and initiatives to provide guidance, resources, information and pipelines to empower students toward positive post-secondary pursuits, and particularly in the job growth areas, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Agriculture/Aviation/Aerospace and Math), Healthcare and Community Services. To support these initiatives, NCRF has developed programs like The Movement Enrichment Program; Students Think STEAM; Internship & Careers, and College Expos to help close the gap in academic achievement, workforce, and economic disparities.

Our mission is to curtail the high school dropout rate and increase degree and/or certificate enrollment among underserved and underrepresented students. Since 1999, NCRF has helped over 600,000 students get into college, has given away over 2 million in scholarships and through programs and services, NCRF has helped students secure over $4 BILLION in scholarships and grants.